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Neon Lidar

, NEON 2023-05-21

This code snippet provides instruction on working with two different NEON data products to estimate tree height:

  • DP3.30015.001, Ecosystem structure, aka Canopy Height Model (CHM)
  • DP1.10098.001, Vegetation structure

The CHM data are derived from the Lidar point cloud data collected by the remote sensing platform. The vegetation structure data are collected by by field staff on the ground. We will be using data from the Wind River Experimental Forest NEON field site located in Washington state. The predominant vegetation there are tall evergreen conifers.

## Things You’ll Need To Complete This Tutorial You will need the most current version of R loaded on your computer to complete this tutorial.

1. Setup

Start by installing and loading packages (if necessary) and setting options. One of the packages we’ll be using, geoNEON, is only available via GitHub, so it’s installed using the devtools package. The other packages can be installed directly from CRAN.

Installation can be run once, then periodically to get package updates.


Now load packages. This needs to be done every time you run code. We’ll also set a working directory for data downloads.



2. Vegetation structure data

Download the vegetation structure data using the loadByProduct() function in the neonUtilities package. Inputs needed to the function are:

  • dpID: data product ID; woody vegetation structure = DP1.10098.001
  • site: (vector of) 4-letter site codes; Wind River = WREF
  • package: basic or expanded; we’ll download basic here
  • check.size: should this function prompt the user with an estimated download size? Set to FALSE here for ease of processing as a script, but good to leave as default TRUE when downloading a dataset for the first time.

Refer to the cheat sheet for the neonUtilities package for more details if desired.

veglist <- loadByProduct(dpID="DP1.10098.001", 
                         check.size = FALSE)

Use the getLocTOS() function in the geoNEON package to get precise locations for the tagged plants. Refer to the package documentation for more details.

vegmap <- getLocTOS(veglist$vst_mappingandtagging, 

Now we have the mapped locations of individuals in the vst_mappingandtagging table, and the annual measurements of tree dimensions such as height and diameter in the vst_apparentindividual table. To bring these measurements together, join the two tables, using the joinTableNEON() function from the neonOS package. Refer to the Quick Start Guide for Vegetation structure for more information about the data tables and the joining instructions joinTableNEON() is using.

veg <- joinTableNEON(veglist$vst_apparentindividual, 

Let’s see what the data look like! Make a stem map of the plants in plot WREF_075. Note that the circles argument of the symbols() function expects a radius, but stemDiameter is just that, a diameter, so we will need to divide by two. And stemDiameter is in centimeters, but the mapping scale is in meters, so we also need to divide by 100 to get the scale right.

        inches=F, xlab="Easting", ylab="Northing")

And now overlay the estimated uncertainty in the location of each stem, in blue:

        inches=F, xlab="Easting", ylab="Northing")
        inches=F, add=T, fg="lightblue")

3. Canopy height model data

Now we’ll download the CHM tile covering plot WREF_075. Several other plots are also covered by this tile. We could download all tiles that contain vegetation structure plots, but in this exercise we’re sticking to one tile to limit download size and processing time.

The tileByAOP() function in the neonUtilities package allows for download of remote sensing tiles based on easting and northing coordinates, so we’ll give it the coordinates of all the trees in plot WREF_075 and the data product ID, DP3.30015.001 (note that if WREF_075 crossed tile boundaries, this code would download all relevant tiles).

The download will include several metadata files as well as the data tile. Load the data tile into the environment using the raster package.

byTileAOP(dpID="DP3.30015.001", site="WREF", year="2017", 

chm <- raster(paste0( "DP3.30015.001/neon-aop-products/2017/FullSite/D16/2017_WREF_1/L3/DiscreteLidar/CanopyHeightModelGtif/NEON_D16_WREF_DP3_580000_5075000_CHM.tif"))

Let’s view the tile.

plot(chm, col=topo.colors(5))

Last update: 2024-05-09